No Wonder my guild leader (lvl 90 sin) said not to go.. lvl 50 is still not enough to kill the monster... Magic def iis high high.
Such a friendly Sign of welcome.. The Monster look cute too.. Like Genting's Mascot Tiger..
The damage is quite high.. Frankly speaking, i haven't killed one yet. If i were to kill it, i would need lots of mana pots..
See That 'innocent' monster with the straw? hahs, xD i called it monster as i got no idea what is his name >.<>
See That rising amount of attack?!! 101 Ranger killing.. The point is, the life is sooo muchh!! After thousand life point deducted, it is still alliiveee!
Little monster paddling on air!! Viking ship!! wohoho! I did not even attack it. It banged into me, or attacked me.
See the bottom picture: I died.
I DIED! One hit K.O Damage on me? 1190 X_X
Died at the entrance of the theme park. Note the word ENTRANCE!! Imagine what happen if i go in... X_X Confirm death.
Oh wells, Malaysia is a beautiifuuuullllll Map!
With Powerful monster!
Certainly, when i reach a high level of 100, i shall go take my revenge!
Hohoho! For now, Still training hard little maplers better not venture there unless you have unlimited supply of potions.
Hmmm hmmm... i wonder if balrog is harder to kill than that....
7:06 PM
Welcome to malaysia!! Woo.. i reached malaysia map!
Just some extra info: HOW TO GO! "To visit the Malaysia Exclusive Map, head on to Singapore, Boat Quay Town and enter via the portal at the extreme right." quoted from maplesea!
After quite some walking journey from Singapore... The Boats on the river leading to the portal reminds me of the bridge to malaysia.. Quite cool :D
I can seeeee malaysia twin tower!!! The background image are f-a-n-t-a-s-t-i-c! AWas! DAnger! WEi Xian!
The rest of the photos are in that slideshow (above) ^^ It consist of 50 pictures.. Angeliymagic (and her always hungry elephant)'s happy adventure!!
6:19 PM
Taken from Maplestory website! Sooo nicee~ Edited it to put as the main picture! In that case, The blog skin is about the upcoming pirate! and the new malaysia map! Fantasy theme park!!!:DDD
The new job pirate is sparkled off soooo much excitement from maplers, even old maplers who are making a 'comeback' to be pirates!!
Hoho.. i heard that pirates got gun.. *bang!*
6:14 PM
love love love maplestory.
Today i went to malaysia map.. My guild members said that the monster very powerful! Indeed, the magic def quite high. I died X_X
1:04 AM
Welcome to my blog!♥ Lets transport to Mapleworld together with angeliymagic and her elephant! (with the cursor, music and maple pictures!)
xinmmin sec
Maplestory- angeliymagic at bootes
Audition- heavenlyangel
Panya- heavenrealm
Lots of Asiasoft prize (:
Lots of birthday present (:
happiness (:
Leave a tag please?
background music: Maplestory Music!133 songs in this playlist!
Me And my dear playing games!
Bye dar! Ever so full, Free Market! Monster carnival! nice steely >.< Ludi Pq~ Nice napoleans and eq HAlloweeen Party.. u're seeing doubles! (: